Is Possible Drug, Alcohol, Mental Health & Trauma Recovery Center
Chattanooga Recovery Center is dedicated to helping anyone suffering from mental health, trauma, & addiction reclaim their life through an individualized and fully transparent treatment plan.
Addiction Recovery Center in Chattanooga
At Chattanooga Recovery Center, our mission is to provide the care, comfort,and safety people struggling with the disease of drug addiction or alcohol addiction need and deserve. We understand that addiction affects every part of your life as well as the people around you—many of our staff members are in recovery themselves. This is why we offer flexible, holistic treatment programs designed to improve every aspect of yourself to better equip you for a life of sobriety.

Flexible Treatment Options
Choose from our Partial Hospitalization Program, Intensive Outpatient Program, or Nighttime Outpatient Treatment Program based on your preferences and needs. Each of these programs is designed to target every area of your life affected by addiction to better prepare you for ongoing recovery.
We offer the following treatment programs and more:
- Adventure-Based Counseling: Spending time in nature has been scientifically proven to have incredible health benefits, including opening a person to changes that lead to a happier, better life. This is why we offer a range of exciting outdoor team building activities that offer intense pleasure—without substance abuse.
- Brain Mapping: Using state-of-the-art EEG biofeedback, we can look at patterns of addiction in your brain and train it to react and function in a healthier way.
- Trauma Intervention: We offer this program because there is a strong correlation between trauma and substance abuse. This psychotherapeutic method allows us to help mediate trauma and build strength and resilience in residents.
- Wellness Activities: We also offer an array of holistic programs developed to support the body and mind which are fully supported by evidence-based research. These include arts and culture events, volunteer opportunities, fitness classes, and more.
Contact us today to learn more about our treatment options and how we can guide you through your recovery journey.

Explore Our Facility
Chattanooga Recovery CenterWe Save Lives
Chattanooga Recovery Center is committed to getting our patients’ lives back on track, so they no longer have to endure the unpleasant consequences that often accompany addiction. Don't take our word for it, however—read testimonials from people just like you who have struggled with addiction and had the strength to overcome it!
There is no better time than now to take a stand against your addiction. If you are ready to start on the path to sobriety, Chattanooga Recovery Center is here to help. Our staff is available 24 hours a day seven days a week, so when you are ready to take that first crucial step, we will be here for you.
“At Chattanooga Recovery Center your recovery is possible, and we are here to help.”
- Miles Neal & Jim Huber

When it feels like your addiction is working against you, Chattanooga Recovery is here to help you fight back. Your recovery is possible with the help of our team.